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Because of your support for Episcopal Impact Fund…

All Souls Parish Berkeley supports three homeless encampments and builds relationships between the church and people experiencing homelessness.

"Episcopal Impact Fund’s grant was like manna from heaven that came through right at the moment it was most needed. All Souls had stepped out in faith, and Episcopal Impact Fund met us and allowed us to keep going further. The convergence of good will and love that I have come to trust as the movement of the Spirit, that is what the Impact Fund check was for us." – The Reverend Phil Brochard, Rector, All Souls Parish, Berkeley

Feeding and supporting their homeless neighbors has always been part of the mission of All Souls Parish, Berkeley. For over two decades the congregation has hosted neighbors at a monthly jambalaya dinner, with all the sides. So, when the pandemic made the onsite dinner impossible, All Souls was determined to find another way to serve, and the Sandwich Project was born.

The Sandwich Project prepares sandwiches in parishioners' homes and hand delivers them with other food and necessities twice a week to three homeless encampments. Finding a way to do this safely during the Pandemic was an act of faith and compassion. But All Souls wanted to do even more. Deacon Dani Gabriel reached out to a leader of an encampment, Jessica Prado, to ask what was needed. The answer? Prayer and…. waste removal. Borrowing a line from Moses and using a grant from Episcopal Impact Fund, All Souls established the “Let my people go” campaign, contracting with Honey Bucket to remove refuse. Because doing God’s work isn’t always glamorous.

All Souls' relationship with and support of people who are homeless in Berkeley is God's work. Episcopal Impact Fund’s grant provides food and supportive services for three encampments.

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