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Because of your support for Episcopal Impact Fund…

All Saints San Leandro is delivering food-first social ministry programs that support nearly a thousand people a month.

“All Saints is committed to helping our neighbors as we respect the dignity of every human being. Partnering with organizations to do and fund this mission is a necessity. Episcopal Impact Fund’s grant allows us to be a place our neighbors can count on.” —The Rev. Justin R. Cannon, Rector, All Saints Episcopal Church, San Leandro

For 20+ years, All Saints Episcopal Church in San Leandro has been serving the needs of its community by taking a food-first approach to their Social Ministries programs. Their commitment to their community can be seen in their Food Pantry, bag lunches for their April Showers Program, and meals for the Warming Center of San Leandro and Building Futures with Women and Children shelter. From a small congregation like All Saints, this extraordinary level of commitment is making a huge impact in their community.

“I grieve for the size of the need but give thanks for our congregation's response. Together we will continue to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God." —Tom Breckenridge, Social Ministries Team Leader and Food Pantry Coordinator, All Saints San Leandro

The grant from Episcopal Impact Fund financed the purchase of a new refrigerator, which allows All Saints to provide fresh protein and vegetables on a regular basis. The inclusion of fresh food is not really an option without equipment to store it and makes a huge difference for their clients. As one pantry guest stated, "Every distribution day, my refrigerator does a happy dance because food is coming home."

Having healthy, fresh, and consistently available food is central to having a secure existence. Episcopal Impact Fund is proud to partner with All Saints San Leandro ensuring that those in need in San Leandro are not experiencing food insecurity.

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