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Put Your Faith Into Action

Please join us for the First Annual Episcopal Impact Fund Volunteer Day

Episcopal Impact Fund VOLUNTEER DAY

We are thrilled to invite YOU, our amazing community, to a special volunteer opportunity with our grantee, City Hope. On Saturday, July 22, we will serve breakfast to residents of the Tenderloin at the City Hope Community Center. We hope you'll join us as we give back and connect to the needs of those around us.

Episcopal Impact Fund Volunteer Day - City Hope Breakfast

  • What: Serve a delicious home cooked breakfast, restaurant-style, to residents in the Tenderloin

  • When: Saturday, July 22, 2023 Time: 8:00-10:00am, volunteers arrive at 7:30am ​

  • Where: City Hope Community Center: 45 Olive Street, San Francisco

Space is limited.

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