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Episcopalians Making a Difference in the Bay Area Housing Crisis

Episcopalians Making a Difference in the Bay Area Housing Crisis

Your support of Episcopal Impact Fund has helped enable a partnership among Trinity Center, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Resources for Community Development, the City of Walnut Creek and Contra Costa County to build affordable housing in Walnut Creek.

Last week, this partnership broke ground on St. Paul’s Commons, a new affordable housing project on the property of St. Paul’s Church. The Commons will be a mixed-use development with community spaces, 45 affordable apartments, and will house Trinity Center, to provide non-residential programs to homeless and working poor adults.

“This model, one that includes a new housing complex and resource center in Northern California, shows us how a community can come together to move people from homelessness to lives of dignity, safety, and hope,” said The Rt. Rev. Marc Handley Andrus, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of California. “It has the potential to start a wave across our state - faith communities, individuals, non-profit developers and government agencies stepping up together as partners to give people on the margins a fresh start and hope for a brighter future.”

Episcopal Impact Fund is proud to have been a “first dollar” funder of Trinity Center when it opened 6 years ago. With your help, we strive to be on the leading edge of this difficult issue, which underpins all the other root causes of poverty. Without secure housing, it’s exceedingly difficult to take advantage of other programs addressing health, education and environment. Through Episcopal Impact Fund, you have played a role in addressing this crucial component of life in the Bay Area.



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