What can funding a Soccer program do to help end homelessness? The team at Street Soccer USA can tell you. Three quarter of participants connect with education, jobs, or housing within one year of joining the program.
Street Soccer's women's group now has a 100% High School graduation rate and an 80% college attendance rate. Clients learn accountability and teamwork through participating in a soccer league—skills that help them achieve a productive and self-sufficient life. Street Soccer also provides case management that connects clients to resources, sets attainable goals, and the results are remarkable!
One participant, Antoine, suffered from bi-polar disorder. He was homeless and on the streets for over a year, self medicating with alcohol and estranged from his family. Through Street Soccer USA, he set goals, stayed on his medication, finished his college degree at UC Berkeley and is now teaching English at a local high school as well as coaching with Street Soccer to pay it forward. Just one of many examples of a changed life!
Episcopal Charities grants go to the best and brightest organizations in the Bay Area that work to end the cycle of poverty. We focus on Education, Health and Wellness and the Environment. To learn more about the organizations we support check www.episcopalcharities.org.