The organizations chosen this year are located in every county of the Diocese of California. They are selected with the help of our Action Networks, groups of volunteers who come together to discuss and review exemplary projects in their communities.
Episcopal Charities is pleased to announce five new grants to organizations in the Diocese of California that are working to address the root causes of poverty. These organizations were chosen with the help of our Action Networks, groups of volunteers from Episcopal congregations and the wider community who come together to find the best poverty-fighting projects in each deanery.
Alameda Deanery —Attitudinal Healing Connection, Inc.
Contra Costa Deanery —Loaves and Fishes of Contra Costa
Marin Deanery — Five 4 Five
Peninsula Deanery — Abundant Grace Coastside Worker
San Francisco Deanery — SF Achievers and SF CASAFocus on Current Grantees
Southern Alameda Deanery—TBA