Episcopal Impact Fund’s Cap and Trade Grant Wraps Up 104 Trees Later
Three years ago, we shared the exciting news that Episcopal Impact Fund had been awarded a Cap and Trade grant of almost $60,000 from the State of California.
Our vision was that Episcopal Impact Fund would manage the grant and advance funding to small community-based nonprofits so they could plant trees and build a garden in impoverished and overlooked areas of Oakland. Trees and gardens have an enormous impact on air quality, reduce global warming and bring beauty to stressed neighborhoods.
Our commitment was to plant 90 trees, but we are delighted to announce that we were able to plant 104 trees thanks to the generous donation of St. John’s, Oakland, whose 2017 confirmation class chose this project for the church to support.
The Santiago Garden at St. James continues to flourish, providing fresh healthy produce to community members.
By supporting our work, you allow us to make a real difference in Bay Area neighborhoods. Thank you!
Join us at Night of Light Gala!
This year we will be honoring Ambassador James C. Hormel for his exemplary contributions to the Bay Area and beyond.
Episcopal Impact Fund serves organizations that address the root causes of poverty in the Bay Area, both financially and through mentorship and guidance.
Friday, November 1, 2019 6:00 PM
The Four Seasons Hotel
217 Stevenson Street, San Francisco
For further information or regarding sponsorship, contact Ann Morris at 415-869-7835 or amorris@episcopalimpact.org