The Rt. Rev. Dr. Marc Handley Andrus, Bishop of California, and the Episcopal Impact Fund Board of Directors invite you to Night of Light, Friday, November 11th, 6 P.M. at The Four Seasons Hotel San Francisco.

PLEASE JOIN US for Community, inspiration, and a special conversation between Episcopal luminaries Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and Bishop Marc Handley Andrus.
We are thrilled to be together again, celebrating the good work that our donors and grantees make possible.
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Marc Handley Andrus
and Dr. Sheila Andrus
Jennifer Walker and Michael Keenan
William J. Bennington
Meg and Craige Bertero
Yvonne & Wells Blaxter
Mindy and Bill Bush
Tricia and Gavin Christensen
The Revs. Heather and David Erickson
The Rev. Richard Fabian
The Rev. Dr. Steve Hassett
Heidi Ho and the Very Rev. Dr. Malcolm
Clemens Young
Lisa and John Hockin
The Rev. Anne Jensen and Doug Jensen
Cathie and Pitch Johnson
Lynn Johnson and Peter Kidder
Cricket and Alan Jones
Anne and Loren Kieve
Christiana and Sandy Macfarlane
Doug MacKay and Steve Gibson
Elizabeth and Mike Mooney
Betsy and John Munz
Michele O'Neill and the Rev. Bruce O'Neill
Kathleen Piraino and Jim Goldberg
Betsy Strong and Gary Coover
Mary Swing and the Rt. Rev. William Swing
Peter Vestal and Judith Alex
Diane B. Wilsey
EPISCOPAL IMPACT FUND serves organizations that address the root causes of poverty in the Bay Area, both financially and through mentorship and guidance. Inspired by the teachings of the Gospel, we share a vision of a Bay Area without poverty.
Please email with any questions.