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Night of Light 2017

Night of Light 2017 Gala raised more than $300,000 to address Bay Area poverty

Thank you to everyone who attended the 2017 Night of Light gala honoring Pitch and Cathie Johnson, faithful supporter of the Episcopal Impact Fund! With your help, we raised more than $300,000 to support our mission of addressing the root causes of poverty in the Bay Area.


More than 290 people attended the gala and enjoyed an evening of live music, dinner, and dancing. A highlight of the evening was the surprise performance of “Quando me’n vo” from La Bohème, one of Pitch’s favorite arias, by soprano Toni Marie Palmertree accompanied by pianist John Elam, both of the San Francisco Opera.


The evening’s program spotlighted four of our recent projects in our focus areas of education, health and wellness, housing access and the environment, and included a conversation between Bishop Marc Andrus and Pitch Johnson about success, the importance of friendship and giving back.


When asked about the importance of friends throughout his life, Pitch’s answer also describes the role of the Episcopal Impact Fund throughout the Diocese of California: “Caring and friendship is the knowledge that someone is there when you need them, and the knowledge that if you need to share some troubles with somebody, they are there for you.”

Episcopal Impact Night of Light 2017
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